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What Does Cosmetic Dentistry Include?

what does cosmetic dentistry include

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, contemporary cosmetic dentistry can assist. This professional dental care procedure focuses on enhancing the look of your mouth, gums, teeth, as well as complete smile. Teeth whitening, fillings, veneers, even implants are all common treatments.

Cosmetic dentistry is gaining popularity, with the industry as a whole expected to reach $32 billion by 2026. Although it is not a necessary operation, cosmetic treatment might help you feel more confident about your smile.

cosmetic dentistry

Modern cosmetic dentistry may improve your smile if your teeth are damaged, discolored, worn, chipped, cracked, misaligned, malformed, or have spaces amongst them. A “smile makeover” is a cosmetic dentistry operation that enhances the look of your smile by one or more cosmetic dental procedures.

What Does Cosmetic Dentistry Entail?

Typically, this type of dentistry entails teeth straightening as well as improving the look of the face. It also includes the placement of dental composites on teeth or gums, including gum grafting, crowns, as well as porcelain veneers. Cosmetic dentistry also includes teeth whitening, gum hyperpigmentation, and laser whitening. Finally, aesthetic dentistry includes procedures that remove gums or tooth components, such as gingivectomy as well as enameloplasty.

Cosmetic dentistry primarily follows the principles of harmony as well as symmetry. The majority of individuals want to get their teeth whitened. They want to be delighted and flaunt their grin. Many people, however, do so because they’re not ashamed of their missing teeth, irregular gums, discolored teeth, as well as other issues. If you have such problems, you should know that cosmetic dentistry can help you solve them.

esthetic dentistry

Types of Cosmetic Dentistry

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to improve the appearance of your smile. Teeth can indeed be bleached at your doctor’s office with in-office solutions for around $500, or you can get a mold and gels via your doctor to bleach your tooth at home. Brightening toothpaste, rinses, even Whitestrips are also available on prescription in retail establishments for quick at-home whitening.

Veneers for the teeth

Dental veneers are wafer-thin casings of tooth-colored ceramic or resin that is custom-made to encapsulate the front tooth enamel. Such thin shells are glued (cemented) towards the front of the teeth following about a half-millimeter of enamel being removed from the tooth surface, modifying their color, form, size, or length.

cosmetic dentistry

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding involves the application of a tooth-colored, dough resin, which is a highly durable substance, to the tooth and hardening it using UV or laser light, therefore attaching the substance to the tooth. Bonding can be used to treat decay, chipped, cracked, or deformed teeth, and it is also an excellent aesthetic option to substitute for amalgam or silver fillings.

Crown on the tooth

A dental crown, often known as a cap, is a cap that fits over and replaces the whole decaying or broken tooth just above the gum line, preserving the tooth’s form, size, strength, and look. Crowns could be used to prevent a weak tooth from shattering or to hold a damaged tooth together; crowns can also be used to conceal deformed or badly discolored teeth.

esthetic smile design

Inlays and overlays

Inlays and Onlays, commonly known as indirect fillings, are dental restorations of gold, porcelain, and various composite materials that replace decaying or broken teeth. Inlays as well as Onlays are manufactured in a dental laboratory and cemented into place by your dentist. Dental fillings are molded into position during an initial appointment; however, inlays and Onlays are produced in a dental laboratory and glued into place by your dentist. When the substance is cemented only within the center of a tooth, the refilling is called an “inlay,” and when the filling encompasses one or more tips of the tooth or covers the biting surface, it is called an “Onlay.” Inlays and Onlays are alternatives to crowns that maintain as many good teeth as possible.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are titanium tooth bases that are implanted into the bone cavity of a lost tooth. As the jawbone heals, it develops around the embedded metal post, securing it in place and laying the groundwork for a new tooth.


A bridge is constructed with crowns for both the teeth on each side of a gap and fake teeth in between. A detachable substitute for missing teeth is indeed a denture. Dental braces can correct crooked or mismatched teeth by providing constant pressure through time to gradually reposition teeth in a specified direction.

The Connection Between Cosmetic Dentistry and Beauty

The definition of beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Most people believe that someone gorgeous is more trustworthy and clever. Beautiful people, according to certain research, are more likely to obtain work and receive a higher wage. That’s why so many individuals seek methods to enhance their smiles.

In Western culture, cosmetic dentistry adheres to the Greek concept of beauty. It’s all about balance, color, and symmetry. The majority of aesthetic dental operations are not required; rather, they are optional. Some cosmetic operations, on the other hand, have restorative advantages.

If you are thinking about getting cosmetic dentistry, you should know that elective operations are not covered by insurance. You will, however, be reimbursed for medically essential operations. Most cosmetic operations are straightforward; however, others need more skilled and sophisticated care.

The Benefits of Visiting a Cosmetic Dentist

You may visit a cosmetic dentist in Mumbai for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Misshapen teeth
  • Discoloration
  • Missing teeth
  • Tooth decay
  • Damage (cracks, chips, etc.)
  • Crooked teeth

People who have broken, rotting, crooked, or discolored teeth may struggle to eat and communicate. Others may develop low self-esteem as a result of dental problems.


Thus as per a 2015 American Dental Association poll, 33 percent of young people are hesitant to smile owing to dental and oral health issues. Another 23% of individuals have reduced their engagement in social events because they are self-conscious about their smiles. If you are unhappy with the state of your mouth, a cosmetic dentist can help.

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